Working Girl (2020)

Homecoming (2021)

His Touch (2021)
Lipstick Bong (2021)

Tools of Incarceration (2020)

Kendall Applies Eyeliner (2020)

The Common Thread (2021)

Beautiful Knots (2021)
Protector (Casey and Sophie) (2019)

Girls at Washington Square Park Fountains (2019)

Twelve (2021)
Project Description
Eve is an examination of the feminine performance as it coexists within the feminine existence, specifically during Van Winkle’s adolescence. “Pretty violence, to me, is not a romanticization, but a lived, every day experience” Van Winkle explains in her artist statement. Drawing from her own personal, traumatic experiences and influences, such as Megan Doherty and Petra Collins, Van Winkle alludes to horror in the same breath as she alludes to an endearing sisterhood. Work was printed in two editions, first in epson premium luster, second as lambda c-type prints. All images are available for purchase upon request.